Saturday, March 24, 2012

iPad 3 Heat Issues


New iPad's circuit board and battery.
The iPad 3s larger internal battery and faster A5X CPU/GPU increases TDP.
Apple recently confirmed that the new iPad is the fastest selling iPad yet, but an image suggests it may also be the hottest running iPad. After running GLBenchmark for 10 minutes on both the new iPad and the iPad 2, the iPad 3 runs 10 degrees hotter than its predecessor. The iPad 2s aluminum backing was a toasty 82.9 degrees Fahrenheit, while the iPad 3s backside was 92.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Considering the number of transistors packed onto a GPU, this is nothing to be to be worried about, especially since the iPad 3 claims to have a quad core GPU.

1 comment:

  1. What was Apple thinking with this one! I guess it's what u get for such a good screen and processor, nice article!
